October 12, 2024 12:53 (IST)
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Air India Express flight lands safely at Tiruchirappalli airport after reporting technical snag following take-off | Noel Tata, half-brother of Ratan Tata, appointed as Tata Trusts chairman | Deeply concerned: India on theft of Goddess Kali crown gifted by Modi from Bangladesh temple | Akhilesh Yadav slams BJP after he was denied permission to garland JP Narayan's statue | Goddess Kali crown gifted by Modi stolen from Bangladesh temple, India expresses 'concern'

East Turkistan Government in Exile claims China conducted 47 nuclear tests between 1964 and 1996

The East Turkistan Government in Exile has said the Chinese government conducted 47 nuclear tests in East Turkistan between 1964 and 1996 which resulted in the deaths of approximately 750,000 East Turkistanis and left 1.2 million more suffering from leukemia, cancer, and fetal damage.